Blender预设|逼真线材绳索程生成器 Procedural Thread Simulator v1.0
Procedural Thread Simulator是一个在Blender中生成逼真的线材和绳索节点预设。可以轻松创建各种类型的线材,如电缆、绳索、编织线等。
- 易于使用:直观的界面和操作,让即使是初学者也能快速上手。
- 程序化生成:可以通过调整参数快速生成不同类型的线材,而无需手动建模。
- 高度自定义:用户可以自定义线材的形状、粗细、颜色、材质等。
- 动态模拟:模拟线材的物理特性,如柔韧性、扭曲、缠绕等,增加现实感。
Introducing our innovative Geometry Nodes-based thread generator! Whether you’re working with ropes, chains, wires, or other similar elements, this powerful tool lets you create and simulate them with ease. Completely procedural
and highly customizable, it offers full artistic control over every aspect of your design. With 11 unique presets
you can quickly achieve various effects and styles, streamlining your workflow and enhancing your creativity. Perfect for both beginners and advanced users, this thread generator is your go-to solution for dynamic and realistic thread simulations.

支持 Blender 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
学驰资源 » Blender预设|逼真线材绳索程生成器 Procedural Thread Simulator v1.0
学驰资源 » Blender预设|逼真线材绳索程生成器 Procedural Thread Simulator v1.0