200组污垢粗糙破旧金属木材损坏贴图材质素材 Artstation – 200+ stencils dirt and damage, roughness, metal, wood



this bundle is made for save your time in your cg projects. instead of get multiple bundles with different categories buy one bundle that include: dirt, damage, metal, roughness and wood

  • 75 dirt stencil textures: PNG 2K ALL tilable
  • 35 dirt metal  stencil textures: PNG 2K ALL tilable
  • 55 roughness textures: PNG 2K ALL tilable
  • 37 wood stencil textures: PNG 2K width

200组污垢粗糙破旧金属木材损坏贴图材质素材 Artstation – 200+ stencils dirt and damage, roughness, metal, wood
200组污垢粗糙破旧金属木材损坏贴图材质素材 Artstation – 200+ stencils dirt and damage, roughness, metal, wood
200组污垢粗糙破旧金属木材损坏贴图材质素材 Artstation – 200+ stencils dirt and damage, roughness, metal, wood
200组污垢粗糙破旧金属木材损坏贴图材质素材 Artstation – 200+ stencils dirt and damage, roughness, metal, wood
200组污垢粗糙破旧金属木材损坏贴图材质素材 Artstation – 200+ stencils dirt and damage, roughness, metal, wood


学驰资源 » 200组污垢粗糙破旧金属木材损坏贴图材质素材 Artstation – 200+ stencils dirt and damage, roughness, metal, wood



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