Blender插件|一键生成可定制的闪电效果 Electrify v4.1 Quick Lightning
Electrify – Quick Lightning是一个Blender插件,可以一键生成可定制的闪电效果。兼容Eevee和Cycles渲染引擎。插件提供简单闪电、分支闪电、随机闪电和低多边形闪电四种类型。可以使用多种参数和控制对象来调整和动画化闪电效果。
Electrify – Quick Lightning
Generate an amazing customizable lightning with just one click of a button!
Add the finishing touch to your scene with this easy-to-use lightning generator. Any type of electrical object will come to life with just one click.
It’s flexible, customizable, animatable and procedural. Thanks to many parameters and control objects you can animate the lightning objects exactly as you want. Plus, you can spawn as many of them as you want.
1.打开软件,顶部菜单点击 编辑(Edit) → 首选项(Preference) → 插件(AAdd-ons) → 安装(Install) ,在弹出的窗口里选择插件zip文件安装
2.重启Blender,在 文件 → 用户设置 → 插件 里即可看到所安装的插件
支持Blender 4.1 – 4.2
学驰资源 » Blender插件|一键生成可定制的闪电效果 Electrify v4.1 Quick Lightning