中文字幕-Blender+3DCoat+Photoshop制作史诗夜间城市景观绘制渲染教程 Epic Cityscape Tutorial

In this 4-part video tutorial you’ll learn how to make an epic nighttime cityscape in Blender, 3DCoat and Photoshop. Step by step we’ll go over how to quickly block out thumbnails, sculpt a scene in 3DCoat, assemble and render it in Blender and then take it to final in Photoshop. It’s a very intuitive and industry-standard approach, that’s highly iterative and let’s you create a final image in under one working day.
What you’ll get:
- 4-part narrated video tutorial
- Layered PSD of the final image
- FBX of the 3DCoat scene
- Blender file
- 4 Render passes
- 所需软件:Blender、3DCoat、Photoshop
- 教程时长:1小时30分钟
- 素 材:包含工程文件和所有的素材
- 字 幕:AI精翻中文字幕
- 格 式 :MP4,1920×1080
- 大 小 :1.69GB
学驰资源 » 中文字幕-Blender+3DCoat+Photoshop制作史诗夜间城市景观绘制渲染教程 Epic Cityscape Tutorial
学驰资源 » 中文字幕-Blender+3DCoat+Photoshop制作史诗夜间城市景观绘制渲染教程 Epic Cityscape Tutorial