C4D教程|建模贴图渲染动画基础教学 Maxon Cinema 4D From Basics to Advanced 3D Animation


讲解C4D R16从基础到高级的3D动画制作。课程内容包括界面介绍、建模、材质和纹理应用、灯光设置与渲染、动画技术以及高级主题如动力学、粒子和脚本编写。该课程适合希望深入了解Cinema 4D并提升3D动画技能的用户。

Welcome to the comprehensive guide to Cinema 4D, where you will embark on a journey from mastering the basics to creating intricate 3D animations and projects. This course is designed to equip you with the essential skills needed to navigate through Cinema 4D’s powerful features, whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your expertise. Throughout this course, you’ll learn everything from interface navigation and modeling techniques to lighting, animation, and advanced rendering methods. By the end, you’ll be proficient in using Cinema 4D to bring your creative visions to life with stunning visual effects and animations.


  • 所需软件:Cinema 4D
  • 素       材:不包含工程文件
  • 字       幕:英文无字幕
  • 格      式 :MP4 1280×720
  • 教程时长:14小时25分钟


学驰资源 » C4D教程|建模贴图渲染动画基础教学 Maxon Cinema 4D From Basics to Advanced 3D Animation



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