Blender插件|加速渲染工具 Turbo Tools v4.1.5
Turbo Tools包含Turbo Render和Temporal Stabilizer两个功能,Turbo Render可以加速渲染,Temporal Stabilizer可以加强每个通道渲染的稳定性,也是整体加快渲染速度
Major Feature Release – Turbo Tools V3 now with Temporal Stabilizer and the option to use animation optimised sample pre-sets!
Turbo Tools is a full rendering pipeline addon that includes:
- Turbo Render – Vastly superior render results up to 960x faster. Retains image quality the standard denoisers can’t maintain even when providing them with images rendered for 120X longer! For complex scenes you can expect your single frame renders to be reduced from several hours to several minutes!
- Temporal Stabilizer – Although only a single checkbox, this massive new feature provides per pass temporal stabilization, allowing animation render times to be reduced by up to 40x!
1.打开软件,顶部菜单点击 编辑(Edit) → 首选项(Preference) → 插件(AAdd-ons) → 安装(Install) ,在弹出的窗口里选择插件zip文件安装
2.重启Blender,在 文件 → 用户设置 → 插件 里即可看到所安装的插件
支持Blender 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93
学驰资源 » Blender插件|加速渲染工具 Turbo Tools v4.1.5
学驰资源 » Blender插件|加速渲染工具 Turbo Tools v4.1.5