达芬奇色调扭曲DCTL调色节点预设 MonoNodes – HUE TWIST & BEND DCTLS V2
Hue Twist DCTL是一个达芬奇色调扭曲DCTL电影胶片模拟单节点调色预设,可以根据亮度调整色调。它可以将较暗的区域向一个相邻色调转移,而较亮的区域则向相反方向转移,从而实现细腻的色彩调整。这种工具可以精确控制亮度阈值和过渡强度,非常适用于色彩分级。
The “Hue Twist” DCTL works by ‘twisting’ hue values towards their neighboring colors, but the interesting aspect here is that it does so based on the brightness value of the respective hue. Darker areas are automatically shifted towards the opposite adjacent hue value than lighter areas, adding a depth of complexity to the color manipulation process that goes beyond standard hue shift methods.
Additionally, the tool offers flexibility in determining the brightness threshold and the intensity of the transition between bright and dark regions. This added control ensures users have a broad and tailored manipulation of the image.
Overall, the Hue Twist DCTL is a precise color grading tool, providing a new approach to adjusting color hues by adding brightness as a determining factor, therefore expanding the creative possibilities in color grading.
适用软件:DaVinci 17 或更高版本(支持Studio和免费版)

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