Blender插件|模拟火焰燃烧扩散特效 Ignite – Fire Dynamics V1.00 +使用教程
Blender插件|模拟火焰燃烧扩散特效 Ignite – Fire Dynamics V1.00 +使用教程
Ignite为 Blender添加了一种全新类型的物理模拟。到目前为止,“火”模拟始终是静态的:火焰只是从同一个地方源源不断地冒出来。
取而代之的是,使用 Ignite,您可以点燃小火,看着它蔓延并消耗掉物体。随着热量在表面和空气中传播,材料燃烧并留下烧焦的表面。
Ignite adds a completely new type of physics simulation to Blender. Up until now, “fire” simulations were always static: flames just came endlessly from the same spot. Instead, with Ignite, you can start a small fire and watch it spread and consume the object. As heat spreads over the surface and through the air, the material burns up and leaves behind charred surfaces.
学驰资源 » Blender插件|模拟火焰燃烧扩散特效 Ignite – Fire Dynamics V1.00 +使用教程
学驰资源 » Blender插件|模拟火焰燃烧扩散特效 Ignite – Fire Dynamics V1.00 +使用教程