C4D教程|三维卡通插画场景制作教学 Cinema 4D Bring Playful 3D Illustrations to Life
Cinema 4D: Bring Playful 3D Illustrations to Life教程是由插画师和艺术总监Mattey制作,课程讲解如何使用Cinema 4D、Photoshop和Octane来创建充满活力的3D插图,适合初学者。课程涵盖项目准备、3D建模、照明、纹理和渲染,共21节课。需要使用绘图平板、Cinema 4D和Photoshop。包含法语英文字幕文件
In this course, Mattey teaches you a simple yet effective technique for creating 3D illustrations in Cinema 4D. Use Photoshop for tweaking smaller details and the rendering engine Octane to achieve stunning results to capture the attention of all your followers and clients.
学驰资源 » C4D教程|三维卡通插画场景制作教学 Cinema 4D Bring Playful 3D Illustrations to Life
学驰资源 » C4D教程|三维卡通插画场景制作教学 Cinema 4D Bring Playful 3D Illustrations to Life