Mac苹果Adobe2023-2024全家桶破解工具 Patcher v2.41 + No Account Patcher v0.89 持续更新
???注意:因为这个补丁程序是无账户版本,所以生成填充、神经过滤器和生成重新着色等功能将不起作用。介意者用 v1.8版本
???注意:多次用户反馈 破解安装后会闪退,原因是使用的外区ID,换国内ID即可,比如QQ邮箱账号注册的Adobe ID
?? 安装补丁文件一定要,选择【自定义】,需要什么破解什么,不要一股脑全部安装!!!
??安装前先开启电脑【系统偏好设置】-【安全与隐私】 中的 【任何来源】 选项 –教程:
1.首先安装:Adobe Creative Cloud(自己使用邮箱注册账号登录后安装)
2.打开Adobe Creative Cloud安装试用版软件(注意看破解补丁适配的版本号)

注意:如果之后还要安装新版软件,那就不要勾选“Remove Deskrop Cloud”,因为勾选的意思就是删除Creative Cloud。

??With Account Patcher v2.41破解补丁支持以下程序:
- Acrobat v24.001.20604
- After Effects v24.3
- Animate v24.0.2
- Audition v24.2
- Bridge v14.0.3
- Captivate v12.2.0
- Character Animator v24.2
- Distiller v24.001.20604
- Dreamweaver v21.3.0.15593
- Illustrator v28.4.1 (with Gen. AI)
- InCopy v19.3
- InDesign v19.3
- Lightroom Classic v13.2
- Media Encoder v24.3
- Photoshop v25.6 (with Gen. Fill + Alpaca AI plugin)
- Premiere Pro v24.3
- Substance 3D Designer v13.1
- Substance 3D Painter v9.1.1
??No Account Patcher v0.89 破解补丁支持以下程序:
- Acrobat Pro v24.001.20604
- After Effects v24.3
- Animate v24.0.2
- Audition v24.2
- Bridge v14.0.3 (with Camera RAW editing enabled)
- Character Animator v24.2 (Pro version)
- Distiller v24.001.20604
- Dreamweaver v21.3.0.15593
- Illustrator v28.4.1 (Gen colour not supported)
- InCopy v19.3
- InDesign v19.3
- Media Encoder v24.3 (with H265 support)
- Photoshop v25.6 (Neural filters / Gen AI not supported)
- Premiere Pro v24.3 (with H265 support)
??No Account Patcher v0.86 破解补丁支持以下程序:(该修补程序应该支持不同 2024 版本)
? Acrobat Pro v23.008.20533 (need to verify if working correctly with newer versions)
? After Effects v24.2.1+
? Animate v24.0.1+
? Audition v24.2+
? Bridge v14.0.2 (with Camera RAW editing enabled)
? Character Animator v24.2+ (Pro version)
? Dreamweaver v21.3
? Illustrator v28.3+ (Gen colour not supported)
? InCopy v19.3+
? InDesign v19.3+
? Media Encoder v24.2.1+ (with H265 support)
? Photoshop v25.6+ (Neural filters / Gen AI not supported)
? Premiere Pro v24.2.1+ (with H265 support)
??No Account Patcher v0.85 破解补丁支持以下程序:(该修补程序应该支持不同 2024 版本)
- After Effects v24x
- Animate v24x
- Audition v24x
- Bridge v14x (with Camera RAW editing enabled)
- Character Animator v24x (Pro version)
- Illustrator v28x (Gen colour not supported)
- InCopy v19x
- InDesign v19x
- Media Encoder v24x (with H265 support)
- Photoshop v25x (Neural filters / Gen AI not supported)
- Premiere Pro v24x (with H265 support)
??Patcher v2.3 破解补丁支持以下程序:
- Acrobat v23.008.20470
- After Effects v24.1
- Animate v24.0
- Audition v24.2
- Bridge v14.0.1
- Captivate v12.2.0
- Character Animator v24.2
- Distiller v23.008.20470
- Dreamweaver v21.3.0.15593
- Illustrator v28.2 (with Gen. AI)
- InCopy v19.2
- InDesign v19.2 (Note: Have experienced the occasional crash on quit relating to the patch. Will investigate)
- Lightroom Classic v13.1
- Media Encoder v24.1.1
- Photoshop v25.4 (with Gen. Fill + Alpaca AI plugin)
- Premiere Pro v24.1
- Substance 3D Designer v13.1
- Substance 3D Painter v9.1.1
Patcher v2.1 破解补丁支持以下程序:
- Acrobat v23.008.20423
- After Effects v24.1
- Animate v24.0
- Audition v24.0.3
- Bridge v14.0.1
- Captivate v12.2.0
- Character Animator v24.0
- Distiller v23.008.20423
- Dreamweaver v21.3.0.15593
- Illustrator v28.1 (with Gen. AI)
- InCopy v19.1.0.43
- InDesign v19.1.0.43
- Lightroom Classic v13.1
- Media Encoder v24.1.1
- Photoshop v25.3.1 (with Gen. Fill + Alpaca AI plugin)
- Premiere Pro v24.1
- Substance 3D Designer v13.1
- Substance 3D Painter v9.1.1
??Patcher v1.9 破解补丁支持以下程序:【1.9 版重写,主要针对离线破解(可断网使用),可支持后续版本通杀破解】
- After Effects v24.x
- Animate v24.x
- Illustrator v28.x
- InDesign v19.x
- Media Encoder v24.x
- Photoshop v25.x【不支持神经滤镜 Neural Filters,Ai创成式填充】
- Premiere v24.x
??v1.82 破解补丁支持以下程序:
- Adobe Acrobat v23.006.20320
- Adobe Distiller v23.006.20320
- After effects v24.0.1
- Animate v24.0
- Audition v24.0
- Bridge v14.0
- Character Animator v24.0
- Dreamweaver v21.3
- Illustrator v28.0.0 (with Gen. AI)
- InDesign v19.0.0.151
- InCopy v19.0
- Lightroom Classic v13.01
- Media Encoder v24.0
- Photoshop v25 (with Gen. Fill + Alpaca AI plugin)
- Premiere Pro v24.0
v1.6 破解补丁支持以下程序:
- Animate v24.0 【?? 新更新】
- Character Animation v24.0 【?? 新更新】
- Adobe Acrobat v23.006.20320
- Adobe Distiller v23.006.20320
- After effects v24.0
- Audition v24.0 【安装完毕后,先试用并新建项目,再破解!!】
- Bridge v14.0
- Illustrator v28.0.0 (with Gen. AI) 【破解完,闪退的用户请检查自己的host有无禁网规则(电脑之前安装过其他人的版本)】
- InDesign v19.0.0.151 【建议试用打开一次,然后退出再破解】
- Lightroom Classic v13.01 【需要先体验试用全功能一遍(主要修改图片功能,才能破解,没有试天数的需要重新注册国区账户】
- Media Encoder v24.0
- Photoshop v25 (with Gen. Fill + Alpaca AI plugin) 【?神经滤镜 Neural Filters,?? Ai创成式填充】
- Premiere Pro v24.0
v1.5 破解补丁支持以下程序:
- Audition v24.0 【安装完毕后,先试用并新建项目,再破解!!】 目前只支持M电脑
- Lightroom Classic v13.01 【需要先体验试用全功能一遍(主要修改图片功能,才能破解,没有试天数的需要重新注册国区账户】
- Animate v23.02
v1.4 破解补丁支持以下程序:
- Adobe Acrobat v23.006.20320
- Adobe Distiller v23.006.20320
- After effects v24.0
- Bridge v14.0
- Illustrator v28.0.0 (with Gen. AI) 【破解完,闪退的用户请检查自己的host有无禁网规则(电脑之前安装过其他人的版本)】
- InDesign v19.0.0.151
- Lightroom Classic v13.0 【需要先体验试用全功能一遍(主要修改图片功能,才能破解,没有试天数的需要重新注册国区账户】
- Media Encoder v24.0
- Premiere Pro v24.0
v1.3 破解补丁支持以下程序:
- InDesign v18.5 重新支持该软件破解 【建议试用打开一次,然后退出再破解】
v1.2 破解补丁支持以下程序:
- Photoshop v25 (with Gen. Fill + Alpaca AI plugin) ?神经滤镜 Neural Filters,?? Ai创成式填充
- Illustrator v27.9 (with Gen. Color)
- Bridge v14
v1.1 破解补丁支持以下程序:
- Photoshop v25.1 Beta (with Gen. Fill & Expand) 【?神经滤镜 Neural Filters,?? Ai创成式填充】
- InDesign v18.5 [Removed from this patcher for now] 【??已删除该补丁】
v1.0 破解补丁支持以下程序:
After effects v23.6
Illustrator v27.8.1
Lightroom Classic v12.5 【测试可能需要关闭Sip,破解可能挂了,用12.4或者12.3吧】
Media Encoder v23.6
Photoshop v24.7
Premiere Pro v23.6
学驰资源 » Mac苹果Adobe2023-2024全家桶破解工具 Patcher v2.41 + No Account Patcher v0.89 持续更新