Blender插件|城市楼房建筑生成器 Urbaniac! Building Generator v0.20 +预设包


Urbaniac! Building Generator可以快速生成各种楼房建筑模型,并提供包含20种制作好的模型预设库。您可以对这些模型进行移动、缩放、挤出和添加修改等操作。

Introducing our procedural building library, “Ur! Building Generator.” We have developed an innovative way to create buildings that adapt to any shape you need in real-time, and it’s incredibly simple and intuitive. With this tool, you can easily move, rotate, scale, extrude, or even add new geometry to modify the appearance of the buildings. Furthermore, the final version will offer up to 20 different architectural styles for you to mix and match in your scene.

支持Blender 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6


学驰资源 » Blender插件|城市楼房建筑生成器 Urbaniac! Building Generator v0.20 +预设包



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