Bender桥接ChatGPT AI插件 Blender Copilot (Blender Gpt)
Blender Copilot是Blender的一个强大且直观的附加组件,它使用人工智能来简化3D工作流程。凭借其自然语言命令、易于使用的对话框界面以及纹理和材质生成功能,Blender Copilot 为各种专业水平的用户提供了一系列好处。Blender Copilot的安装既快速又简单,安装后,用户就可以开始利用其所有特性和功能。
Blender Copilot is a powerful and intuitive add-on for Blender that uses artificial intelligence to simplify the 3D workflow. With its natural language commands, easy to use dialog interface, and texture and material generation capabilities, Blender Copilot offers a range of benefits to users of all levels of expertise. Installing Blender Copilot is quick and easy, and once installed, users can begin taking advantage of all its features and functionality.
支持的Blender版本:3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
学驰资源 » Bender桥接ChatGPT AI插件 Blender Copilot (Blender Gpt)
学驰资源 » Bender桥接ChatGPT AI插件 Blender Copilot (Blender Gpt)