AE教程|全面表达式讲解教程 Motion Design School – Expressions Trip


这是一套关于如何利用After Effects中的表达式来优化动画工作流程的教程。它涵盖了从基础到高级的各种主题,包括表达式的基础知识、控制元素、循环、条件语句、路径动画、脚本编写等内容。通过学习这些内容,用户可以学会如何利用表达式来自动化重复性任务,提高工作效率,并创建更具动态性和创意性的动画效果。

This course will teach you to understand and to write your own expressions. You’ll get so much more than just theory. It will be a real practice with unique and complex illustrations. You’ll finally get rid of tons of useless keyframes and get your work automized. We’ll show you how to work with many functions and teach you so many cool and unique techniques that will save your precious time.


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