AE脚本|形状图层动画脚本 Shape Out Toolkit v1.5.1 + 使用教程


Shape Out Toolkit脚本是一个强大的AE图形层动画工具,包含多种小功能,可以制作各种图形层动画,比如移动对齐中心点、路径动画、路径变形等

  • Anchor Shape Group: Choose what position you want for anchor point and the anchor will be relocate inside your shape group.
  • Shape Out Null create a null for each Shape Group inside a Shape, you can animate all the shapes with nulls and put all your animation back into your Shape.
  • Shape Keys adding keys at current time in any most use properties of shape.
  • Maintain Stroke for maintain Stroke Width of a shape layer even if the layer or the parents are scale.
  • Arrange your panel by choosing which tools to display

支持Win/Mac系统:AE 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC


学驰资源 » AE脚本|形状图层动画脚本 Shape Out Toolkit v1.5.1 + 使用教程



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