AE/PR插件|VariFont v2.0.1 Win/Mac 文字粗细调节控制工具
AE/PR文字粗细调节控制插件 VariFont v2.0.1 Win/Mac
VariFont是一款After Effects插件,可以在AE中将一些可变字体进行控制(貌似只支持英文字体),After Effects本身不支持VF,但是通过VariFont插件,您现在可以在After Effects中使用此技术。 主要优点之一是可以动态设置动画轴(例如粗细,宽度和倾斜度)。但是,我们不仅要提供基本的轴动画,而且还设计了“动画器”功能以允许范围选择,形状控制和随机性,我们认为这使该插件非常灵活和强大。
Our technology uses interpolation and extrapolation mechanisms that have been supported in font-development tools and used by font designers for many years. Normally, the font designer creates a variable design but then chooses specific instances to generate as static, non-variable fonts that get distributed to customers. With variable fonts, however, the font produced and distributed by the font designer can have built-in variability, and the interpolation mechanisms can now be built into operating systems and Web browsers or other applications, with specific design instances selected at the time of use
V2.0.1 更新内容:
-改进了对Apple M1 CPU的支持
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore
After Effects : 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019
Premiere Pro :2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
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