AE教程|制作故障干扰毛刺文字标题特效动画教程 Creating Glitch Animation in After Effects

AE制作故障干扰毛刺文字标题特效动画教程 Creating Glitch Animation in After Effects

在本课程中,我们将在 After Effects 中创建动画。Glitch 是一种动画技术,在动画中使用失真、噪声、各种随机元素等。


我们将学习毛刺动画的技巧,如何在毛刺动画中使用遮罩、效果、置换贴图等。我们将学习如何创建失真、噪声、故障元素、RGB 拆分,并学习如何使用不同的形状和元素。


In this course, we are going to create an animation in After Effects. Glitch is an animation technique that uses distortion, noise, all sorts of random elements, and so on in the animation.

In this course, we will learn how to create glitch animations. We will learn various techniques and tricks of glitch animation step by step, which you will then be able to apply in your own projects.

We will learn the techniques of glitch animation, how to use masks, effects, displacement maps, and so on in glitch animation. We will learn how to create distortions, noises, glitch elements, RGB Split, and learn how to use different shapes and elements.

The course is structured so that you can easily understand exactly the different techniques that I will use when creating animation. That is, you will not just repeat my actions, but understand how exactly such animations are created.


学驰资源 » AE教程|制作故障干扰毛刺文字标题特效动画教程 Creating Glitch Animation in After Effects



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