AE脚本|图层多属性动画结合控制工具 Internal Property V1.0 + 使用教程
Internal Property扩展脚步是一款在After Effects中实现对多个属性的关键帧动画进行结合,同时对每个属性的动画都可以单独调节控制工具,如位置、锚点和旋转等。
Easily move and adjust already animated objects by “internalizing” the animated properties. Create multiple keyframed animations for each property.
- Works with Position, Anchor Point, Rotation (+ more in the future)
- Easily to duplicate and movement of animated objects
- Manage and remove internalized property
- Less nulls and less layers!
支持Win/Mac系统:After Effects 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018
学驰资源 » AE脚本|图层多属性动画结合控制工具 Internal Property V1.0 + 使用教程
学驰资源 » AE脚本|图层多属性动画结合控制工具 Internal Property V1.0 + 使用教程