AE教程|MG运动图形动画基础教程(西班牙语英文字幕) Expressive Motion Graphics Animations


课程是由Sebastián Baptista(Sebas)主讲的《使用After Effects进行动画和运动图形》。讲解在AE中基础图形动画、文字动画等制作方法,包括关键帧、图形层等使用。Sebas是一位专业从事运动图形的导演和动画师。该课程涵盖了动画技术和概念的各个方面,特别侧重于After Effects的专业应用。

Throughout his career there are three elements that have influenced him constantly: The type of environment in which he moved, the experience he was acquiring and luck. But, as he says, “luck has to be helped” through learning, vocation and perseverance.Sebas managed to place himself in the elite of international animation and, in his more than 10 Years of career, he has learned a series of techniques, concepts and tricks that he will share with you in this course.


学驰资源 » AE教程|MG运动图形动画基础教程(西班牙语英文字幕) Expressive Motion Graphics Animations



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