音效素材|专业声音设计电影环境情绪剧情氛围音效合集包 Sound Design Tracks
音效素材|专业声音设计电影环境情绪剧情氛围音效合集包 Sound Design Tracks
这是一套现代创作者电影音效合集包,正如所有电影制作人都知道的那样,从头开始构建有影响力的音频序列通常是乏味的,而且你并不总是有时间把它做好。使用Sound Design Tracks,为您完成了艰苦的工作。在单个音频文件的简单性中获得预构建的专业声音设计。Sound Design Tracks 电影般的音效,预先安排成强大的序列,然后烘烤成一个音频文件,您可以将影片剪辑到其中。内含多种成品声音文件和其拆分的单个音效。
For years, Lens Distortions has been the definitive source of cinematic sound effects for modern creators. Our original SFX products provide world-class ingredients you can use to build powerful audio sequences in your films.But as all filmmakers know, building impactful audio sequences from scratch is often tedious and you don’t always have the time to do it well.With Sound Design Tracks, the hard work is done for you. Get pre-built, professional sound design in the simplicity of a single audio file.Sound Design Tracks – cinematic sound effects, pre-arranged into powerful sequences, and then baked into a single audio file you can cut your footage to.
适用系统:Windows 和 Mac 系统
码率: 96khz/24bit
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