PS油画效果插件 Oil Paint FX Photoshop Plugin


Oil Paint FX插件可以在任何图像上创建绘画油画效果。此工具使用起来非常简单,可与适用于 Mac 和 Pc 的任何语言的 Photoshop CC(最新版本)一起使用。

A fantastic Plugin to create Painting effects on any image. This Tool is very simple to use and works with Photoshop CC (the most recent version) in any language for Mac and Pc . Open a Photo and run the Script to get a wide variety of Patterns and Colors to choose from. This is great if you want to make these effects but have no tools or experience, or just want to speed up your work!

PS油画效果插件 Oil Paint FX Photoshop Plugin


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