Blender插件|智能效果材质场景概念设计程序资产 Smartify Nodes v1.04
Smartify Nodes可以在PBR材质中添加环境效果。用户可以从库中选择智能效果,并将其应用于任何材质上。这些效果包括苔藓、雪、灰尘、沙子、泄漏、水坑、枯叶、边缘磨损、外星生长等。
A drag-&-drop solution to add environmental effects to your PBR materials, and the building blocks to kickstart your own smart materials.
Pick one of the smart effects in the library, and drop-it on any of your materials. You can add moss, snow, dust, sand, leaks, water puddles, dead leaves, edge-wear, alien-growth ect.. And of course customize their parameters in a few clicks. Or create any other environmental effect by simply switching Shaders/textures with other ones in the Smartify library, or with your own.
You can also quickly create from scratch smart-effects/materials using the building blocks of Smartify in the library, smart masks like Facing, location, Ao, edges, leaking, and smart utilities like anti-tile, paralax mapping, random-per-object.
All effects can also be masked by painting on the vertex colors (or more precisely with an image texture), red will remove, green will force, and black will leave the smart masks operate.
支持Blender 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0
学驰资源 » Blender插件|智能效果材质场景概念设计程序资产 Smartify Nodes v1.04