AE从前视图制作卡通人物角色绑定动画教程 Rigging & Animation from the Front View in After Effects


讲解在After Effects中使用自带的工具不用第三方插件对卡通人物的前视图效果进行绑定,包括角色的绑定、走路跑步动画的制作、背景的制作等。

In this course, I’ll show you how to rig and animate a character from the front view using a straightforward and practical method that doesn’t require any plugins or scripts.

I’ll begin this course by covering some fundamental topics, such as preparing the character for rigging. Once that’s done, I’ll move on to rigging a character from the front view. You will learn how to animate properly and how different parts of the character are animated. And how to use the references to create the walk cycle. Next, you’ll learn how to create an infinite background and loop the animation.


学驰资源 » AE从前视图制作卡通人物角色绑定动画教程 Rigging & Animation from the Front View in After Effects



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