AE插件|快捷键添加删除路径关键帧工具 Set Path Keyframes v1.0 Win/Mac


Set Path Keyframes是一款用于在After Effects中快速设置和编辑路径关键帧的插件。直接从键盘添加和删除路径关键帧。

Now a native menu item! Add and Remove Path keyframes straight from the keyboard.This plugin extends functionality to Shape Layers to quickly Add or Delete Keyframes for all Path Properties at the current time indicator.Every Transform property has a native keyboard shortcut (P, A, R, T, S). You can quickly set Position keyframes in the timeline with ?+P, Scale keyframes with ?+S, and even Mask Path keyframes with ?+M. But Path properties on Shape Layers were missing…until now!Set Path Keyframes is located within the After Effects “Animation” menu. To run, select Animation > Set Path Keyframes.


  • 在当前时间为所选图层上的所有路径属性创建新关键帧
  • 如果当前所有 Path 属性都已经有关键帧,则移除那些关键帧
  • 映射到任何键盘快捷键(例如:CTRL + ALT + Q或 ? + Q)

支持Win/Mac系统 AE 2023, 2022, 2021


学驰资源 » AE插件|快捷键添加删除路径关键帧工具 Set Path Keyframes v1.0 Win/Mac



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