创意短片前期故事板现代编剧教程 Motion Design School – Modern Screenwriter
Motion Design School – Modern Screenwriter是一门教授现代编剧技巧的在线教程,旨在帮助学生学习如何构思、撰写和发展影视剧本。
- 剧本构思:学生将学习如何从头脑中的想法中挖掘故事的核心,并将其转化为可行的剧本构思。
- 故事板:学生将学习如何用图像、文字和符号来组织故事,以便在创作过程中保持故事结构的一致性。
- 剧本写作:学生将学习如何写出动人的对白、创造立体的角色和构建引人入胜的场景。
- 发展剧本:学生将学习如何在剧本初稿的基础上进行反复修改和打磨,以使剧本更加成熟和精致。
Learn the complete pipeline. Creativity, Scriptwriting, screenwriting, directing, storyboarding, producing, and managing creative teams to make your projects stand out!We will understand the principles based on a real video that we created especially for this course. How to create a unique script and think outside the box? How to manage projects depending on complexity and scale?How to inspire people and involve them in your projects? In this course,we will describe all topics that will help you to understand the process of any project. It can be an advertisement, short film, or even a series.
学驰资源 » 创意短片前期故事板现代编剧教程 Motion Design School – Modern Screenwriter
学驰资源 » 创意短片前期故事板现代编剧教程 Motion Design School – Modern Screenwriter