Blender预设|松树生物群落景观环境模型资产 Dynamic Pine Biomes
Dynamic Pine Biomes是Blender的一个工具,旨在增强在Blender中创建景观的体验。它提供了一套功能强大的功能,包括可定制的松树生态系统、程序化散布系统、动态景观材质等,帮助用户更轻松地创建逼真的景观场景。
With this product, I created a more dynamic and fun experience working on landscapes. Coming from the Video Games industry, I was frustrated with the constant freezes/crashes when working with a lot of vegetation in Blender. With Dynamic Pine Biomes, you can focus on the essential things, creating fantastic artwork. Get it now and see yourself!
支持Blender 3.4, 3.5
学驰资源 » Blender预设|松树生物群落景观环境模型资产 Dynamic Pine Biomes
学驰资源 » Blender预设|松树生物群落景观环境模型资产 Dynamic Pine Biomes